10 Medical Conditions That Could Void Your Taxi Insurance


Ten medical conditions that your taxi insurance provider should know about.

When it comes to taxi insurance in the UK, staying within the legal guidelines is not just important—it’s crucial.

Failing to declare certain medical conditions to the DVLA can void your insurance and land you with a hefty fine.

Imagine being involved in an accident, only to discover your insurance won’t cover you because of an undeclared health issue.

Terrifying, isn’t it?

Ten Medical Conditions You Must Declare for Taxi Insurance

  • Diabetes
  • Sleep Apnoea
  • Heart Conditions
  • Eye Conditions
  • Stroke
  • Seizures and Epilepsy
  • Vertigo
  • Syncope
  • Certain Operations
  • Driving on Medications

Let’s dive into each condition and understand why they can affect your taxi insurance.

1. Diabetes

Diabetes is more than just managing blood sugar levels. It’s a condition that can significantly impact your ability to drive safely.

For instance, hypoglycaemia—a common complication—can cause sudden drowsiness and blurred vision. These symptoms could be dangerous while driving.

If you have diabetes, especially if it’s severe, the DVLA needs to be informed immediately. Failing to do so could void your taxi insurance, leaving you unprotected if an accident occurs.

Don’t risk it.

Always report your medical condition to the DVLA and your taxi insurance provider.

Learn more about how medical conditions impact your car insurance.

2. Sleep Apnoea

Sleep apnoea is another condition that can seriously impair your driving ability.

This condition causes your breathing to stop and start during sleep, leading to extreme fatigue.

Fatigue is one of the leading causes of road accidents, making it critical to report this condition.

Even if you feel that you can manage your sleep apnoea, the DVLA must be informed.

Your taxi insurance provider also needs to know to ensure your policy remains valid.

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Stay protected by declaring your condition.

3. Heart Conditions

Heart conditions, such as arrhythmia, can severely impact your ability to drive.

Arrhythmia affects your heart’s rhythm, making it difficult to concentrate and safely operate a vehicle.

The DVLA requires that you report any heart condition to avoid putting yourself and others at risk.

If you fail to inform the DVLA, your taxi insurance could be invalidated.

Imagine the consequences of getting into an accident with no insurance coverage—financially and legally disastrous.

Ensure you’re driving safely and legally by reporting your condition.

4. Eye Conditions

Eye conditions like Glaucoma can significantly impair your vision, making it dangerous to drive.

Your eyes are your window to the road.

If your vision is compromised, so is your ability to drive safely.

The DVLA must be informed of any serious eye conditions.

This isn’t just about avoiding a fine—it’s about your safety and the safety of others on the road.

Don’t take that risk.

Explore more about How Cheap Sunglasses Can Invalidate Your Insurance

5. Stroke

A stroke is a serious medical event that can have long-lasting effects on your health and driving abilities.

After experiencing a stroke, you must stop driving for at least one month.

Even after you’ve recovered, the DVLA must be informed if any health issues persist.

Stay on the safe side by reporting your condition to your taxi insurance provider, ensuring your insurance remains valid.

6. Seizures and Epilepsy

Seizures, particularly those associated with epilepsy, pose a significant risk when driving.

If you’ve experienced a seizure while awake and lost consciousness, the DVLA will revoke your driving licence immediately.

This precaution protects both you and other road users.

However, all is not lost.

You may reapply for your licence if you go six months without a seizure and receive clearance from medical advisors.

But here’s the crucial part:

Failing to inform the DVLA and your insurance provider about your condition could void your taxi insurance.

This situation leaves you exposed, both legally and financially, if an accident occurs.

So, don’t let a lapse in reporting cost you more than just your licence.

For young drivers, understanding UK car insurance options with epilepsy is essential.

7. Vertigo

Vertigo, which causes recurrent or sudden dizziness, creates incredible danger while driving.

Imagine experiencing a sudden bout of dizziness while navigating a busy road.

If you suffer from vertigo, you must report this to the DVLA.

Additionally, inform your insurance provider as well to keep your coverage intact.

So, stay safe.

Stay insured.

And always report your condition.

Learn more about avoiding costly mistakes with dash cams and insurance.

8. Syncope

Syncope, a condition that causes temporary loss of consciousness, presents a life-threatening risk when it occurs behind the wheel.

Blackouts or fainting spells create serious risks while driving.

Therefore, if you have syncope, you must inform the DVLA to assess your fitness to drive.

Failing to report this condition not only endangers your life but also nullifies your taxi insurance.

This scenario leaves you facing severe financial and legal repercussions if an accident occurs.

So, don’t wait for an accident to happen.

Instead, report your condition and maintain valid insurance coverage.

9. Certain Operations

Certain surgeries, especially those involving your legs or mobility, can temporarily impact your ability to drive.

After surgery, your doctor will advise you on when it’s safe to return to driving.

However, you must inform the DVLA about your operation as well.

Imagine the consequences of getting involved in an accident without valid insurance coverage—it’s not a risk worth taking.

Therefore, ensure your safety and compliance by reporting your condition.

Find out more about navigating car insurance costs after surgery.

10. Driving on Medications

Certain medications, particularly those that cause drowsiness or impair your cognitive abilities, can make driving dangerous.

Strong painkillers, tranquillizers, and some antidepressants can affect your ability to drive safely.

If your doctor prescribes such medications, you must notify the DVLA and your insurance provider.

Driving under the influence of these drugs without proper notification could void your taxi insurance.

So, protect yourself by reporting your condition and ensuring your insurance remains valid.

Learn how rising taxi insurance costs impact UK fares.


Driving with a medical condition in the UK demands more than just caution.

It requires strict compliance with DVLA regulations.

Failing to report certain conditions not only voids your taxi insurance but also brings severe financial and legal consequences.

Therefore, stay informed about your health and its impact on your ability to drive.

And regularly update your insurance provider to keep your coverage intact.

For more helpful information, visit our other blogs on what insurance you need as a taxi driver and how to save money on your taxi insurance.

Worrying Insurance Crisis for Over-70 Taxi Drivers In The UK


The insurance landscape for black taxi drivers over 70 in the UK is becoming increasingly challenging.

With rising premiums and insurance renewals being denied based on age, seasoned drivers are facing unprecedented financial pressures.

Let’s explore the key points:

Insurance renewals being denied based on age.

Insurance premiums are rising by up to a third.

Financial pressures on fleet owners and drivers.

The Crisis Unveiled

Expert Concerns

A black cab fleet expert has raised concerns about the increasing difficulty for drivers over 70 to secure insurance.

“It’s not much better for mushers (taxi driver owners), as insurance premiums are rising by anything up to a third, again irrespective of individual claims, often even for people with no claims in many years,” he explained in TAXI newspaper.

But there’s more.

Rising Premiums

The spike in taxi insurance premiums can be attributed to several key factors:

Rising Claims Costs: The cost of settling claims has increased, driven by higher vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, and legal fees.

This results in insurers passing these costs onto policyholders.

Fraudulent Claims: There has been an uptick in fraudulent claims, particularly in the form of “crash for cash” scams.

This increases the overall risk for insurers, prompting them to raise premiums.

Regulatory Changes: New regulations and legal requirements can impact insurance costs.

For example, changes in personal injury claim laws or stricter licensing requirements can affect premiums.

Wondering how this impacts drivers?

Impact On Over-70 Taxi Drivers

Many seasoned drivers are now being denied policy renewals purely based on age, regardless of their driving records.

Even drivers with many years of no claims are not spared from these hikes.

One seasoned driver shared, “After driving a taxi for over 40 years without a single claim, I never imagined being turned down for insurance just because I turned 70.”

Fleet Owner Challenges

In the backdrop of these challenges, fleet insurance premiums have jumped by as much as £3,000 annually, pushing rental prices higher.

A London taxi fleet owner highlighted these financial pressures, bringing to light the often-overlooked struggles faced by older drivers.

How are fleet owners coping?

Fleet owners are forced to pass these increased costs onto drivers, further squeezing their earnings.

This creates a vicious cycle where higher operational costs drive up fares, potentially reducing the number of customers.

Regulatory And Market Factors

Let’s dive into the specific reasons for premium increases:

Market Conditions: The insurance market’s competitive dynamics can influence pricing.

Fewer insurers in the market or increased risk perceptions can lead to higher premiums.

Increased Traffic and Accidents: Higher traffic volumes and accident rates in urban areas like London contribute to a higher-risk environment for taxi drivers, leading to increased premiums.

Driver Demographics: Insurers may perceive older drivers as higher risk, despite their experience.

This demographic shift, coupled with an ageing driver population, can impact overall insurance costs.

Want to know more about how to navigate these challenges?

Keep reading!

Explore more about car insurance options here

Learn how to save money on car insurance

Check out tips for young drivers

In the next section, we will delve deeper into the specific reasons behind premium increases and offer solutions for drivers and fleet owners.

Stay tuned!

Deeper Dive Into Premium Increases On Over-70 Taxi Drivers

Detailed Reasons for Premium Increases

Rising claims costs, fraudulent claims, and regulatory changes are just part of the picture.

But there’s more.

Rising Claims Costs

Firstly, the cost of settling claims has skyrocketed.

Higher vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, and legal fees contribute significantly.

Therefore, insurers are forced to pass these costs onto policyholders.

Fraudulent Claims

Moreover, “crash for cash” scams are on the rise.

These fraudulent claims increase the overall risk for insurers.

Consequently, premiums are raised to offset these risks.

Regulatory Changes

Furthermore, new regulations and legal requirements impact insurance costs.

For example, changes in personal injury claim laws or stricter licensing requirements are common factors.

As a result, these factors drive up premiums.

So, what can be done about it?

Solutions and Recommendations For Over-70 Taxi Drivers

Despite these challenges, there are strategies to help mitigate them.

Here’s what you can do:

For Older Drivers

Shop Around: Compare different insurance providers to find the best deal.

Increase Your Excess: Agree to pay a higher voluntary excess to reduce your premium.

Telematics Policies: Consider a telematics policy, which bases premiums on your driving behavior.

For Fleet Owners

Bulk Discounts: Negotiate bulk discounts with insurers for covering multiple vehicles.

Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies to reduce the likelihood of claims.

Driver Training: Offer training programs to improve driver skills and reduce accidents.

Want more tips on reducing insurance costs?

Discover ways to reduce your car insurance cost

Future Outlook For Over-70 Taxi Drivers

What’s next for the taxi insurance market?

Predictions and Changes

Industry experts predict further regulatory changes.

Market conditions might also continue to evolve.

Potential Regulations

Therefore, there could be new measures to protect older drivers.

Insurers might face pressure to adjust their risk assessments.

So, staying informed about these developments is crucial.


In conclusion, the insurance crisis for over 70 taxi drivers is a pressing issue.

Rising premiums and age-based renewal denials are significant challenges.

However, by adopting strategic measures, drivers and fleet owners can navigate these hurdles.

Thus, awareness and proactive steps are key to mitigating these impacts.

For further reading and resources, check out these related blog posts:

Explore these articles to stay ahead and make informed decisions.

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